Feels Out Loud

Feels Out Loud

Sundays 9AM - 10AM

Learn more about the show at: https://www.becomingtogethermn.com/

Feels Out Loud
Feels Out Loud
AM950 Radio

Feels Out Loud shares candid conversations about real experiences, human emotions, and mental wellness. The show takes an honest, vulnerable look at what it means to live authentically and explores the ways in which we get there. Professional experience meets humor and humility as we navigate a healing journey of honoring feelings and becoming our truest selves. It's messy. It's hard. It's worth it.  Hosted by Becky McNattin, Tara Martini, and the Becoming Together Therapy and Wellness team, Feels Out Loud is an in-depth look at what it means to embrace emotion, be present, and celebrate our humanness, together. We are therapists, teachers, creatives, allies, and dreamers committed to supporting and connecting our community through meaningful discussions. Join us in living and sharing mental health every day with Feels Out Loud.  Learn more about the show at: https://www.becomingtogethermn.com/


Tara and Becky discuss the intensity of feelings and finding words to describe the intensity of our feels.

Episode 3: Disconnected

In this episode, Becky McNattin and Tara Martini talk about disconnection and the challenges of staying connected at this time of year. The hosts of Feels Out Loud share stories, while leading listeners in a quiz to identify aspects of disconnection and the impact on our moods. Additionally, we will explore simple, every day ways…

Episode 2: Compassionate Curiosity

In this episode, hosts Becky McNattin and Tara Martini dive into the concept of curiosity with compassion. Together, we talk through what this means, how to practice it, and real-life stories of living this framework. We ponder questions from our listeners and reflect on ways to begin responding to ourselves and others with compassionate curiosity.

Episode 1: Feel Out Loud

In this episode, we explore what it means to express ourselves by sharing feelings out loud. As the first episode of this brand-new show, Becky McNattin and Tara Martini talk through the importance of emotional awareness and expression. We ponder questions about relationships that foster authentic sharing and the impact of feelings on physical and…

Promo for Feels Out Loud January 26 Debut

Feels Out Loud shares candid conversations about real experiences, human emotions, and mental wellness. The show takes an honest, vulnerable look at what it means to live authentically and explores the ways in which we get there. Professional experience meets humor and humility as we navigate a healing journey of honoring feelings and becoming our…