Exploring Sovereignty with Elizabeth

Exploring Sovereignty with Elizabeth

Sundays 11AM - Noon

Each week our show explores higher consciousness and pathways to freedom with heart centered thought leaders. We shine a light on your brilliance, what you pay attention to, and how that has supported your process of becoming free from the heavier issues that affect you. There are many pathways to sovereignty. Join us each week as we explore your sovereignty and consider your pathway to becoming free. That’s Exploring Sovereignty with Elizabeth Sundays at 11 or anytime on your favorite podcast app! Learn more about host Elizabeth Sullivan at SomaSoulSovereignty.com.

Exploring Sovereignty with Elizabeth
Exploring Sovereignty with Elizabeth
Elizabeth Sullivan

Each week our show explores higher consciousness and pathways to freedom with heart centered thought leaders. We shine a light on your brilliance, what you pay attention to, and how that has supported your process of becoming free from the heavier issues that affect you. There are many pathways to sovereignty. Join us each week as we explore your sovereignty and consider your pathway to becoming free. That’s Exploring Sovereignty with Elizabeth Sundays at 11 on AM950 or anytime on your favorite podcast app! Learn more about host Elizabeth Sullivan at SomaSoulSovereignty.com. And find more about the show at: https://www.somasoulsovereignty.com/podcast

Ep. 101: Joan Steffend, Ever Wonder what may Set you Free? Antidotes for healing divisiveness

This episode original aired October 8, 2023. Sensitive topics are discussed including sexual assault is referenced please take care of yourself. Elizabeth and Guest Cohost, Joan Steffend explore antidotes for the dualistic thinking and feeling states that lead to polarization and divisiveness instead of connection and growth.   Explore how wonder supports uncertain times, how…

Ep. 100: Scaler Light Researcher & Humanitarian, Tom Paladino

Learn how Scaler Light Energy works and why it benefits humanity in our healing journeys. Plus take Tom’s incredibly generous 15 day gift to experience it directly, which Tom offers our community at Exploring Sovereignty by going to www.ScalerLight.com

Ep. 99: Tears with Joan Steffend

Explore how tears give us more wisdom than meets the eye.

Ep. 98: Its all about love with Joan Steffend and Sharon Crowley

This week host Elizabeth Sullivan is joined by Joan Steffend and Sharon Crowley for a conversation all about love.

Ep. 97: Peace In and Peace Out with Joan Steffend

Join Elizabeth and Joan Steffend for this micro episode as the chat about Joan’s book, Peace In and Peace Out. Order now at: https://tristanpublishing.com/products/peace-in-peace-out.

Ep. 96: Come Together with MN Team Humanity with Lorri and Jolene

In today’s episode we explore how two moms came together to create change and bridge the conversation on Covid Shots to better support those who are injured and heal humanity with their voice, connection, action and continued conversation. We are definitely stronger together. Learn about the legislative conversations happening, and how speaking up does create…

Ep. 95: And She Sparkeled with Joan Steffend

Join us for the delightful reading of And She Sparkeled written and read by Joan Steffend. In this exploration we dive into what lights you up and why this is part of the journey to becoming free and lifting not only yourself to your full potential but encouraging that in others. To learn more or…

Ep. 94 Micro Episode: Why Pain is a Pathway to Freedom

What if you don’t just treat the symptoms of your pain or try to numb it or suppress it? How is your own pain awakening you to your freedom? Consider yours and how it may just be the ticket that sets you free.

Ep. 93: Carrie and Nicole from Pain Resolve Guru, Pain Resolution Therapists & Somatic Education

Carrie and Nicole from Pain Resolve Guru, Pain Resolution Therapists & Somatic Education Description: Join in the conversation as we unpack what pain is trying to tell us and how it can be the invitation to our freedom and healing pathway. Carrie and Nicole are certified IAYT SomaYoga Therapists and Somatics Educators who have specialized…

Ep. 92: Transform Your Insecurities

Set yourself free by becoming curious and conscious of your insecurities and all the ways you protect, avoid, or try to prohibit them from being triggered. Make friends with them and let the insecurities heal into your vulnerable strength. In doing so you will find unexpected grace and wisdom arises within you and around you.…