Learning Events for Your Spiritual Growth

In this episode of Green Tea Conversations, Nea Clare of Yesward Coaching shares about her upcoming The Light Up! events, with the first being held Sunday, August 28. The Light Up! is an opportunity for you to connect with a community of like-SOULed beings for inspiration, connection, and alignment. Learn about this monthly event that includes guest artist/speaker, featured vendors, and a channeled message from Nea Clare. For more information, and to register, visit YeswardCoaching.com. This episode also includes an interview with Annette Rugolo who shares her upcoming Autumn Equinox Spiritual Retreat on September 19-22 in Minneapolis. In this three-and-a-half day retreat, you will join a group of powerful lightworkers to clear karma for our country, anchor light for the United States in power places around Minneapolis, and connect with and activate other power centers in the country, and connect with the energetic heart of the country. For more information, and to register, visit AnnetteRugolo.com.