Ep. 3: Heart Centered Living & Embodiment with Robin Stamp

Join Elizabeth & Robin Stamp from Universe Emobided as they explore sovereignty through the experience of coming home to the body, the heart, and how everything is frequency. Robin shares that like many people it took failed marriages, sickness, and broken career plans to find what really matters. “In 2010 I lost pretty much all that I had been working towards. I was in pretty much the worst space I’ve ever been in. I was forced to look inside and start to find out what really matters to me. I started taking action on my physical and emotional health. In this decade long journey of exploring my inner reality I started to connect with my heart, not as a metaphor. But literally feeling a new power in the center of my being. I had been studying, astrology, Tantra, yoga, ayurveda, deeper levels of meditation. And everything kept pointing to the power of the heart. In deeper states of meditation I felt the ability to shift the frequency to higher states of vibration. Allowing me to shift my moods, feel more vital, and to shift the energy of the environment. Through reading, studying and my own inner practice and started to gain more mastery of this frequency. Allowing me the total freedom to be in life on my own terms. No one could make me feel or respond any way I didn’t want to. The shining light is on the heart frequency and our ability to live in freedom through it.” Robin invites us “To own our frequency and transform the world through our lives.” More at Universeembodied.com and on Instagram @universeembodied.