New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Sundays 1-2 PM

New Beginnings focuses on Baby Boomers and those who care for them. You’ll find that Boomer needs are not all that different from everyone else's. The difference is that there are 78 million Baby Boomers in America! Host Freddie Bell and key partner Joe McKenzie, the principle of Ripple Connects, visit with guests with insights on housing, finance, fitness, employment, and entertainment.

New Beginnings with Freddie Bell
New Beginnings with Freddie Bell
AM950 Radio

New Beginnings focuses on Baby Boomers and those who care for them. You’ll find that Boomer needs are not all that different from everyone else's. The difference is that there are 78 million Baby Boomers in America! Host Freddie Bell and key partner Joe McKenzie, the principle of Ripple Connects, visit with guests with insights on housing, finance, fitness, employment, and entertainment.

COVID Continues to Mutate

Original Air Date: July 13th New versions of COVID-19 are still a concern as the virus continues mutating causing more sickness worldwide. University of Minnesota Regents Professor and Epidemiologist, Michael Osterholm, shares details with Freddie Bell. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

Nominations for Andrus Awards

Original Air Date: July 6th Nominations are now open for AARP Minnesota’s prestigious Andrus Awards. AARP MN, State Director Cathy McClear shares details. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

The Continued COVID Battle

Original Air Date, June 29th The battle against Covid continues. In a conversation with Freddie Bell, Dr. Michael Osterholm outlines promising emerging trends. Dr. Michael Osterholm, is an Epidemiologist and Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infections and Policy Research. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

Learning From Past Epidemics

We’ve learned little from the Flu Epidemic that raged across America in the early 1900’s. Epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm says the world missed real opportunities to learn. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

Challenges in Public Healthcare

Challenges and threats with regard to Covid exacerbate the Public Healthcare crisis. Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infections and Policy Research shares details with Freddie Bell. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

Research for Long COVID Cures

Dr. Myriam Roby, Health Clinical Outcome Director for Hennepin Healthcare, joins Freddie Bell. She says research is ongoing for cures for long COVID. She encourages communities of color to be active participants in important and health discoveries. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

Covid Around the World

Dr. Michael Osterholm, an Epidemiologist and Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infections and Policy Research, reflects says the Pandemic revealed that we are one world as it relates to Covid public health outcomes. He shares details with Freddie Bell. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

Long Covid Moonshot

Senator Bernie Sanders is proposing establishing a Centralized Long Covid Research Coordinating Group. Dr. Michael Osterholm, an Epidemiologist and Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infections and Policy Research reflects, says the idea has promise. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

Bright Outlook With Covid

Armed with reams of data, Epidemiologist, Dr. Osterholm, Epidemiologist and Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infections and Policy Research say there is reason for optimism on the total COVID landscape. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at

COVID Vaccine Hesitancy

Dr. Michael Osterholm discusses COVID vaccine hesitancy among parents with small children vaccine and shares effective strategies for overcoming them. Dr. Osterholm is an Epidemiologist and Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infections and Policy Research reflects. Freddie Bell’s new book, Words to the Wise is available at