Ep. 28: Joan Steffend, Ever Wonder what may Set you Free? Antidotes for healing divisiveness

Sensitive topics are discussed including sexual assault is referenced please take care of yourself.

Elizabeth and Guest Cohost, Joan Steffend explore antidotes for the dualistic thinking and feeling states that lead to polarization and divisiveness instead of connection and growth.

Explore how wonder supports uncertain times, how hope bouys discomfort, and how love transcends what aims to separate us collectively.

Joan Steffend is a dreamer. She has had dreams fulfilled; raising two daughters, being married to a great guy and working for years on local and national TV and radio, but the grandest dream is one of inner peace and connection to a kinder world. That dream led her to co-found “”peace begins with me”” (a small big peace project) and to write “”peace in peace out””. Joan is also the author of “”…and she sparkled””, a book that invites us to love ourselves just as we are.

Join Elizabeth and Joan and explore potent antidotes for the chaos and deep transformative times we find ourselves in…we hope this conversation makes you wonder how to bring more love into your lives for self and others.
Learn more at https://www.joansteffend.com