Understanding Mental Health

Anna Lynn is the Mental Health Promotion Coordinator at the MN Department of Health. She works on changing the conversation and understanding about mental health, to help us understand it as more than the absence of illness. She also works to create opportunities for communities to promote mental well-being across a range of domains-from social connections and skills to promoting access to nature and equity. Lynn says COVID Stress is an ongoing traumatic event-it’s about life and death, it was unexpected, it has lasted a long time, there is unprecedented uncertainty, it’s impacting everything we do and care about, and its world-wide. She talks with New Beginnings’ Freddie Bell. Joe McKenzie, Founder of Ripple Connects talks about meaningful gifts. New Beginnings also thanks AARP Twin Cities, the Cora McCorvey Health and Wellness Center, West Metro Hypnosis and Unity South Twin Cities.