Ellie 2.0 Radio

Ellie 2.0 Radio

Saturdays 10-11 AM

We’re generally aware of hopeless idealists, but how many of us have ever actually heard from one?

Ellie 2.0 is all about idealism and the journey of one particular idealist—Ellie Krug—as she works to make the world a better place.

Only, there’s a slight complicating factor: Ellie’s a 61-year-old transgender woman.

That simple demographic sometimes makes things particularly interesting. Or daunting.

Where does the “2.0” come in?

Because in another life, when Ellie presented as a man and worked for big corporations as a trial attorney—the nickname was “Killer Krug”—there was no place for idealism.

Today, remade as her “true” female self, Ellie’s become a doer and believer in humanity and the common good. As she likes to say, “Ninety-nine percent of us want to do the right thing; it’s just that most are afraid to do what’s right.”

Usually, Ellie’s not afraid and most of the time, she does what’s right. Come along as she tries to lead the way, traveling America to make our country whole and truly great for all and everyone.

Ellie 2.0.

Engaging. Imaginative. Fun. And real.

Every Saturday from 10:00-11:00 a.m. CST by airwaves or livestream on AM950, the Progressive Voice of Minnesota

Ellie 2.0 Radio
Ellie 2.0 Radio
AM950 Radio

We’re generally aware of hopeless idealists, but how many of us have ever actually heard from one? Ellie 2.0 is all about idealism and the journey of one particular idealist—Ellie Krug—as she works to make the world a better place. Only, there’s a slight complicating factor: Ellie’s a 61-year-old transgender woman. That simple demographic sometimes makes things particularly interesting. Or daunting. Where does the “2.0” come in? Because in another life, when Ellie presented as a man and worked for big corporations as a trial attorney—the nickname was “Killer Krug”—there was no place for idealism. Today, remade as her “true” female self, Ellie’s become a doer and believer in humanity and the common good. As she likes to say, “Ninety-nine percent of us want to do the right thing; it’s just that most are afraid to do what’s right.” Usually, Ellie’s not afraid and most of the time, she does what’s right. Come along as she tries to lead the way, traveling America to make our country whol

Ellie 2.0 Radio – February 18, 2019

We start this week’s show with a report about two artist-idealists, photographer Sally Mann and Cameron Rowland, a conceptual artist. Both artists tackle issues around race-based cruelty and systemic racism. The Big Interview is with Tom Nelson, a Minneapolis attorney who’s used his leadership roles in local bar associations to push for greater diversity and…

Ellie 2.0 – February 11, 2019

Ellie 2.0 Radio – February 4, 2019

We’re talking about idealists who do remarkable things for their times. First off is Maurice Willows, who convinced the American Red Cross to provide relief to the Black community in Tulsa OK following the horrendous race riot of 1921 (it was the only relief organization to provide assistance); the Big Interview is with William Doherty,…

Ellie 2.0 Radio – January 28, 2019

The theme is idealists who unify rather than divide. We start with Larry Itliong, who organized Filipino farm workers in California’s Central Valley and joined with Cesar Chavez to win grape grower recognition in the mid-1960s; the Big Interview is with Brad Hart, the idealistic and nonpartisan mayor of Cedar Rapids, Iowa whose optimism and…

Ellie 2.0 Radio – January 21, 2019

This week, I highlight John Delaney, a Maryland Congressman who’s running for president; he announced way back in 2017 and has already visited all 99 Iowa counties. I also talk about Marshall Medoff, and amateur scientist-idealist who very well may have discovered a new way to make fuel and plastic substitutes. In Block C, I…

Ellie 2.0 Radio – January 14, 2019

An Ellie’s Talking Head show highlighting Hollywood idealists—Ellen DeGeneres and Tom Hanks. In Block C, I talk about an interaction with a grandmother and her grandson on a Minneapolis street; I found it in me to have compassion and overcome my fear of being panhandled.

Ellie 2.0 Radio – January 7, 2019

This week’s idealist is St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, who’s ushered in a new era of imagination and energy to create a “St. Paul for everyone”; the Big Interview is with Hadeel Abouhasira, a young Richmond VA attorney of Palestinian descent who’s trying to give back; and in Block C, I talk about visiting beautiful…

Ellie 2.0 Radio – December 17, 2018

The idealist for this week is Daniel Ellsberg, who in 1971 leaked the infamous Pentagon Papers as a way of changing the conversation about the Vietnam War, highlighting the government’s failure to be honest with Americans; in the Big Interview, I talk with David Liners, a priest-turned-nonprofit founder, who oversees WISDOM in Wisconsin—a collection of…

Ellie 2.0 Radio – December 10, 2018

This week I focus on the incredible idealism of Colin Kaepernick, a man of principle and humility who is fighting oppression; I also return to the youngest member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who even before she takes the oath to serve is working to radically change the status quo. In Block C, I talk about…

Ellie 2.0 Radio – December 3, 2018

Our idealist for this early December show is Eartha Kitt, famous for “Santa Baby,” who worked to help at risk youth and who wasn’t afraid to speak truth to power; for this Ellie’s Talking Head Show we’ll also talk about white journalist Ray Sprigle, who in 1948 posed as a black man while on a…