Drink in the Style Live

Drink in the Style Live

First Saturday of every month

Gregory Rich of Habitation Design would like to invite you to listen to Drink in the Style, Live! Airing the first Saturday of every month from 9-10:30 PM on AM950, Drink the Style will be 1 1/2 hours of interior design and small business conversation all while enjoying cocktails. More info coming soon, including how to make each drink of the week! Brought to you by Habitation Design and the District in Edina.

And check out the official show website (DrinkintheStyle.com) for drink recipes!

Drink in the Style
Drink in the Style
AM950 Radio

Gregory Rich of Habitation Design would like to invite you to listen to Drink in the Style, Live! Airing the first Saturday of every month from 9-10:30 PM on AM950, Drink the Style will be 1 1/2 hours of interior design and small business conversation all while enjoying cocktails. More info coming soon, including how to make each drink of the week! Brought to you by Habitation Design and the District in Edina. And check out the official show website (DrinkintheStyle.com) for drink recipes!

Bourbon and Liquor 43 with Lena LoPesio and Karl Peltier

A not even thinly veiled infomercial wherein Habitation staff discusses why Habitation’s value proposition in both residential and commercial interiors. Karl outlines Habitation’s model apartment and common space programs for multi-family housing and Lena talks about Habitation’s 5-year insurance program, furniture trade-in program and more.

The Indictment Day with Michelle Havens

Visual Merchandising expert and Interior Design Consultant Michelle Havens talks about her new role helping clients organize and beautify their spaces while using the furnishings and pieces already in their home

The Summertime Spank with Rachel Carpenter

Interior Designer Rachel Carpenter talks about Window Treatments – how much to spend, what options are available, and how to beautify your windows

The Wildfire with Rachel Zacharius

Interior Designer Rachel Zacharius discusses her obsession with fabrics, colors, and texture.

The Midnight with Colleen Kleve and Amy Lavois

Colleen and Amy from Double Vision talk about interior design and creating a “blended look” in your home

The White Russian with Matthew Thiel

Matthew Theil, representative from Guardsman Furniture Protection, discusses how furniture protection (Insurance) works, what it covers, and why it makes sense for almost everyone

The Whiskey Smash with Lena LoPesio

Lena LoPesio, former owner of Vogue Furniture in Bloomington Minnesota discusses her new role as Showroom Director at Habitation Furnishing + Design

Drink in the Style – July 1, 2018 with Guest Michele Espeland

Michele Espeland, principal at Cunningham Group discusses the commercial architecture industry, how to manage projects across geographies, and some of her favorite projects.

Pimm’s Cup with Kelly Netishen and Hollie Blanchard

Kelly and Hollie, “The Art Girls” discuss their roles as Creative Directors at the Griffin Gallery in Bloomington MN. This episode tells you everything you need to know about how galleries work, what questions to ask and what you can find at Griffin

The Mai Tai with Ann Burbidge

Home stager Ann Burbidge discusses the home staging industry – how it works, what benefits to expect, and what the future holds for the industry.