Ellie 2.0 Radio – March 27, 2021

A Live Show! Our theme is “Making Amends” and we begin by highlighting “The Longoria Affair” that arose in 1949 when a Three Rivers, Texas funeral home refused to allow a wake at the funeral home for Felix Z. Longoria, Jr., a Latino Army private killed in WWII and whose body was returned 4 years after the war’s end—the excuse, “the whites won’t like it.” A freshman Texas U.S. senator named Lyndon Johnson intervened to arrange for Felix’s body to be interred at Arlington National Cemetery—making him the first Latino service member buried there. After that, we pivot to how Oakland CA and Evanston IL are attempting to right the wrongs of race-based poverty. I also talk about reparations to black farmers and how MN is once again throwing money at the problem of structural racism. Nothing will stick until we institute a wholesale process of having white, black, brown, Asian and Native/Indigenous people talk to each other to get past their fears and stereotypes. No one is doing that work; I’m trying to do the work, but no one is listening….