Ellie 2.0 Radio – January 22, 2022

Our featured idealist is Muhammad Ali, whose resistance to the Vietnam war and advocacy for the rights of black Americans is often overlooked; make sure you listen to the clip of Ali taking on white college students at the end of the segment. The Big Interview is with Danna Nelson, a 25-year-old woman who is dying of cancer. With what time she has left, she’s become an advocate for MN to enact medica-lassistance-in-dying legislation. (Out of the thousands of interviews I have engaged in either as a trial lawyer or radio host over the course of 40 years, Danna’s interview was one of the most emotional for me—please find the time to sit and listen to this courageous, eloquent human.) In the C-Block, I talk about Kelsey Waits and others launching the TransParent Alliance, which provides advocacy tools to the parents of transgender children.