Ellie 2.0 Radio – April 9, 2022

In lieu of a featured idealist, I share from a 4.8.22 NYT piece titled, “How did LGBT Rights Again Become the Subject of a Culture War?” by David Leonhardt and Ian Prasad Philbrick. In particular, the authors theorize that Republicans briefly stayed away from attacking LGBTQ+ rights for fear of alienating younger voters. However, that reluctance has now given way to seeing LGBTQ+ rights as the wedge issue to help take both the House and Senate in November. The Big Interview is with Rebecca Thoman, M.D. from MN Compassion and Choices, who talks about efforts to get a medical-aid-in-dying bill passed in MN and other states. To date, 10 states have such laws. In my C-Block, I talk about how I’ve been thinking about what legacy I’ll leave when my time on Earth is over.